Severe Weather
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that there is no snow this winter.
However, in the event of the school having to close, information will be available via:
- KCC website
- the school website
- by text
- local radio stations – Heart FM and BBC Radio Kent
Access to the school site:
If there has been a lot of snow and we manage to remain open, access to the site may be limited. It is likely that the gate to Goodwins playground will remain closed and all access will be via the main entrance or from the lower school entrance. A member of staff will be available to direct you but please do take care moving around the site as paths will be slippery.
Do ensure the children are appropriately dressed for a snowy day at school. Weather and conditions permitting, we may allow them to play on the field at break times. Therefore, they will need wellingtons, coat, gloves and hat. We advise that they bring a change of socks and should have their school shoes for indoors.