Owen Square, Walmer, Deal
Kent CT14 7TL

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01304 372486


The Downs Church of England Primary School

School council

The Downs Church of England Primary School is an amazing place where #Nothing is Impossible and everyone is safe and happy. One of the things that has helped the school stay this way and improve is the school council. We give all of the pupils a voice and the opportunity to be heard.

Our school council is made up of two representatives from each year group from year one to year six and is led by Mrs Tysoe, who is our Pastoral Lead. We represent the rest of the school and discuss ways that we can help the school improve further.

Our School Council members are:


Year 1: Amber-Louise and Aubrey

Year 2: Isaac and Abigail

Year 3: Esther and Thomas

Year 4: Jacob and Olivia

Year 5: Nancy and Isaac

Year 6: Katie and Lucia

Although the beginning of this school year has been challenging, our School Councillors are determined to prove that #Nothing is Impossible.  Our School Councillors have a very special job ensuring we put God and Family at the heart of all we do and in helping make important decisions for our school, to provide a safe and dynamic environment so we can all flourish!

We are proud of where we live and we have met our local Mayor and would like to plan a visit to the Town Hall in the near future.