Maths at The Downs aims to provide a rigorous, progressive, planned, creative and highly interconnected (DfE 2013) learning journey resulting in competent future mathematicians.
In order to achieve this children are given the opportunity to collect mathematical ‘tools’ enabling them to manipulate and apply their knowledge. Making connections using systematic strategies that build on prior learning ensuring that concepts are secure rather than children relying on outsourced memory aids or relying on resources.
They will be given regular opportunities to revisit and consolidate key concepts; addressing any missing knowledge as well as over-learning. Pupils at risk of falling behind should be given more time to complete tasks as opposed to different tasks or curriculums to enable them to commit core facts and methods to long-term memory (Ofsted 2021). Teachers should provide alternative ways to model and demonstrate and ensure all blocks are secure before children move on.
This is underpinned by an ambition for all.
All children from year R to year 6 access the Power Maths Scheme for learning maths.
Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)