Owen Square, Walmer, Deal
Kent CT14 7TL

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01304 372486


The Downs Church of England Primary School


Our Geography curriculum here at The Downs Church of England Primary school allows children to explore natural and human aspects of the world. Beginning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, children are understanding the world by studying people, culture and communities.  All children from year one to six adhere to the National Curriculum and are encouraged to develop a greater understanding of the world and their place in it.


A high-quality geography education will help to inspire pupil’s curiosity about the world. As pupils progress, their developing knowledge about the world should deepen their understanding and allow them to create links and build upon previous learning. The curriculum is designed to ensure that teaching provides all pupils with the correct knowledge of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments.


Geography is taught throughout the school year but predominantly starts in theme one ‘What a wonderful world’. We teach the National Curriculum objectives, supported by a clear knowledge and skills progression document. Through the implementation of our long term plan, children are required to learn and retain key geography objectives. Children have their own geography book to document their learning and refer back to; this can consist of pupil voice, images, maps and pieces of writing.


What pupils say about Geography at The Downs:

'I love Geography, I went to Geography club'

'We learn about different places in the world'

'I like looking at atlases and maps'




